destinations . 19 Oct 2015 . Solomon

Fast Food Restaurants in Port Harcourt

One of the first things Nigerians coming into the country have on their to do list is sampling the local cuisine that they’d missed out on while they were away. Port Harcourt has an international airport and that puts the city on the spot when it comes to Nigerian cuisines.  There are fast food restaurants all over the city where you may go to eat local delicacies. Some of such places are listed below:


Kilimanjaro has become quite a popular restaurant in Port Harcourt with many of its outlets in the city. The signature brand is hard to miss and the interior is well decorated to suit anyone who is coming to eat. The menu on offer at the restaurant is sure to leave you excited in anticipation.

De Office

This is one of the best fast food restaurants in Port Harcourt. You will be entertained here by its karaoke and sports bar. The service here is great while the food is awesome. You can visit here in the afternoon if you would want to have its local delicacies.

Charcoal & Spice Restaurant

Charcoal & Spice Restaurant is a great restaurant where you can have local delicacies with friends and loved ones. There is also a bush bar where you can have pepper soup, nkwobi and assorted meats to wash down your drink.


Many people come here ease off into entertainment and enjoy great meals. You can eat and have a dance at the karaoke bar and there is a nice café which is always bubbling with guests that you could mingle and meet new people out there.

Oceans Basket

Oceans Basket has a variety of local delicacies for you to choose from. It is a quiet restaurant with an exceptional interior. It is strategically located in such a way that lunch hour can be held here by those in the office.


Some people said that Menage is a master of many things; home management, food delivery service and eatery. You will enjoy the sumptuous meals that are served here. The service is standard and you will appreciate the attention that is given here.


The design of Genesis is charming. Hanging out here with friends is always fun and they have a menu filled with delicacies to live for.

We know that there are still other fast food restaurants in Port Harcourt that you would have loved us to include on our list. You can add to our list when you comment below.

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